hungry, hungry hippies
A design for a mobile phone application that helps people make more sustainable purchasing decisions using augmented reality and image processing.
A design for a mobile phone application that helps people make more sustainable purchasing decisions using augmented reality and image processing.
A physical device paired with a website designed to enable more effective communication for people participating in a protest or movement.
A printer fleet management tool designed to allow for flexible and easy printer configuration for large companies.
A museum experience designed to teach 6-8 year old children about dinosaurs through immersive interactions and role play.
An iPhone application designed to help the survivors of a zombie apocalypse. This app focuses on helping people find other people while avoiding zombies.
This project is a prototype of a possible iPhone application. Tools used: Fireworks, Device Central, HTML, Interviewing, and Sketching
(CHI2011 Student Design Competition Finalist)
An online social networking tool focused on facilitating the appreciation of differences among neighbors in a community through the use of food.
Gloves that provide the user with the same force-feedback as an actual keyboard, allowing users to type without a screen or keyboard.
A virtual chemistry lab iPad application that provides a safe environment for chemistry students to experiment with chemicals in a way they would not be able to in an actual chemistry lab.